Hedgie Hates #242: Decaffeinated Coffee


Ok to be fair – I cut some slack for people that drink half-caff coffee for health reasons and maybe will give a bit more to people who just want something hot to drink (but why not just drink cocoa or hot tea??). What’s your feelings on decaff coffee? Love it? Loathe it? Let Boo and I know!

Sorry about the ‘teaser’ posts….was having an issue with the new setup for WordPress that snuck in during the week. Blek! Hopefully this fixes things…..and I’ll be going back and deleting the incorrect entries.

Hedgie Hates#242: Decaffeinated Coffee


Ok to be fair – I cut some slack for people that drink half-caff coffee for health reasons and maybe will give a bit more to people who just want something hot to drink (but why not just drink cocoa or hot tea??). What’s your feelings on decaff coffee? Love it? Loathe it? Let Boo and I know!

Hedgie Hates #234: Durian Fruit


Comic delayed due to the fact that I actually mixed Jackfruit and durian fruit up…..then realized just as I was about to post it that I was in fact incorrect. Whoops. Both fruit are spiky – but have many differences that I was surprised to learn about from yearofthedurian.com and Fruitvs! Neat…..but it’s still not going to lure me into trying more than just a hard candy of durian ever again – it tasted the way that old musty gym socks smell. NOT MY FAVORITE. Do you like durian fruit or jackfruit? Or have you had the ‘misfortune’ of dealing with it (pending on your personal view)? Let Boo and I know!