Hedgie Hates #253: Energy Drinks


You can actually suffer severe health issues if you consume too much caffeine (read about some of the effects here). Even ‘natural’ energy drinks can cause issues (ginseng can disrupt sleep patterns), but thankfully most of the ‘natural’ or ‘herbal’ parts are easily passed out of the body when your body says it’s had the amount it requires for normal functioning. So long as you’re aware of your health (heart, allergies, pregancies, age, etc) and you consume them in moderation (even most energy drinks warn against more than 3 per day), then energy drinks aren’t all bad and are an relative ok source of caffeine when you’re on the go with a need for a pick-me-up. How do you feel about energy drinks? Which ones are your favorite or least favorite? Let Boo and I know here!

Psst – the “grey cat” energy drink is a reference to Snooch from Two Lumps, a comic about cats by my good friends Mel Hynes & J. Grant. Go read it here.

Hedgie Hates #251: Clicker Games


For those of you that don’t know what ‘clicker games’ are – they’re video games whose gameplay consists of the player performing simple actions repeatedly (repeatedly clicking the left mouse button) to gain game related currency. Cookie Clicker is a rather well known example of the genera. Games are available both on computer browser, download/purchasable games, and even on mobile devices. Do you play clicker games? What’s your favorite one? Let Boo and I know!

Hedgie Hates #246: “Free” Mobile Games


I play a lot of mobile games due to their ease of “casual gaming” aka “play for 2-10 mins and put down for other things” while there are many out there that aren’t terrible or insistent with their ads/micro-transactions (pay a small amount of real money for game extras)….some are less than clear with such or more ads ever 80 seconds. What have you guys experienced with ‘free’ mobile games or games with micro-transactions? Let Boo and I know!

edit – sorry for the delay today guys, I had a last minute commission I was buffing the details out on first. I’m working on getting a patron set up soon so I can reward you guys more though! ❤ you’re my favs after all….

Hedgie Hates #244: Adobe Photoshop Elements 13


Ok so I don’t hate Photoshop Elements, but I do on occasion find it particularly frustrating to the point of wanting to throw the computer out of the window and down a flight of stairs sometimes…..

What’s your feeling on Photoshop Elements or any version of Photoshop? Let Boo and I know! (We also won’t judge you if you acquired it by….*ahem* less than appropriate means – just don’t tell us XD )

(yes I know this can be prevented by “save early, save often,” but when you get so absorbed in your work you can honestly forget how long its been since your last save.)

Hedgie Hates #242: Decaffeinated Coffee


Ok to be fair – I cut some slack for people that drink half-caff coffee for health reasons and maybe will give a bit more to people who just want something hot to drink (but why not just drink cocoa or hot tea??). What’s your feelings on decaff coffee? Love it? Loathe it? Let Boo and I know!

Sorry about the ‘teaser’ posts….was having an issue with the new setup for WordPress that snuck in during the week. Blek! Hopefully this fixes things…..and I’ll be going back and deleting the incorrect entries.