Hedgie Hates #218: Cosplay Prep


Yup! Totes doing cosplay prep for an upcoming con. I’ve only got one inprogress shot atm (check that out here yo) and I’ll be at A-Kon 2016 this year, working for Two Lumps – the interwebs fav cat comic that’s better than a certain orange cat I don’t mention for copyright reasons~

If you’re in Dallas 3-5 June, come say hi! I’ll take a pic with you! Yah!

Hedgie Hates #214: Dreamcatchers


Dreamcatchers are pretty and I’ve made a few myself, but they honestly seem to be dust magnets more than anything else…ngh. Any of you readers have one? How do you keep it clean or do you just let it start to grow ‘fur’ from the dust? Let Boo and I know!

Sorry this one is a little late – I got started on another comic and decided it wasn’t fitting my groove and went with something else. D:

Hedgie Hates #211: Calluses


Ok so I honestly don’t actually have calluses ‘bad’ enough to be able to pick up an unwilling hedgie….I usually just go with the grain of the spines or else use a hand towel (or oven mitts XD), but it seemed like an amusing idea for a comic~

How do you guys/gals/etc feel about calluses be they on hands, feet, or other odd places? Let Boo and I know!

Hedgie Hates #159: Artificial Tears


I’m not going to lie….I was going to do another Halloween themed one, but then I noticed the eye drops in my bathroom, seems I’ll need to move certain bathroom products to higher shelves so Boo doesn’t try to drink them…..

Also! If you’re in the Dallas/Irving Area this Saturday, I will be helping out at the Angry Cuddles table in the Artist Alley at Dallas Comic Con Fan Days – come say Hi to me and Stevo (he’ll be there all weekend, I can only make it on Saturday however).

Sorry we’re  a lil’ late today – random gluten issues made things difficult – but we still did the thing! 😀

Hedgie Hates #153: Permanent Markers


Permanent marker can usually be cleaned up with a bit of rubbing alcohol (the high the content, the better – just keep it out of your eyes and mucus membranes unless you like ungodly burning pain D: ) and a little bit of elbow grease…..I’m lucky enough to have only had to use this to remove marker on my fingers from craft projects  and never had to deal with a “drunken artistic expression” incident.